I was thinking that we should have a topic, as a database on why and how RPs have failed over time, which can help newer people who are just starting to make RPs by showing them what should be avoided.
Lack of detail - One of the most basic reasons. When an RP doens't give the most basic details (which set up the story, world, NPCs, etc.), then it can fail in an instant. Lack of detail doesn't draw people as well compared to a fleshed out set of ideas. Lack of detail can also tie in with bad grammar (somehow, you can find bad grammar and lack of detail appear around each other quite a bit)
Lack of Interest - Another common reason. You could have the most fleshed out plot, leveling system, NPCs with a rich background, BUT all that doesn't guarantee people will be interested enough to join it. Some prefer fantasy RPs, others like modern RPs, and some like futuristic RPs. Due to these preferences, people may or may not join. Lack of interest can also go hand in hand with lack of detail, as very little detail doesn't generate interest.
Lack of Commitment - You have to face it, sometimes people get bored. Not every RP can last one million pages. Some people become lax and stop posting. Some disappear, sometimes for good. A great RP can be torn apart by members (or a GM) who lose their sense of commitment to the cause. This can leave committed players with nothing to do, and the RP eventually dies.
Bad Events - Sometimes events in an RP can cause others to quit. Though rare, it is possible for someone to be so fed up with what happened, that they can quit. This won't always kill an RP, but it can cause friction. Others can easily feel like it's unfair and quit as well.
Though this has most likely never happened here (because we all luv each other), i has happened on other forums.