I've been pondering this for years.
(I'm good now but still... think of years wasted)
Now, I'm going to need some confirmation
(as in, if you've seen these things tell me), so I'll present it in the form of questions...
Have you ever walked into any store (including video-game specialty stores) and seen any...
Earthbound merchandise?
Fire Emblem merchandise?
Kirby merchandise (not counting clothes)?
Starfox merchandise?
(not that I care much)
SSB merchandise?
Heck, was there anything you ever wanted to see on shelves but could never possibly exist!?
All I ever see is Mario (Kart) and Pokemon.
For a time, I saw Sonic (X) toys around places, when the X show was somewhat new & prime.
But what the heck? SSB series and all the original games aren't enough to get new stuff!?
I've always wanted to see these things... any thoughts?
(You know, I even wanted them to come out with a LEGO set that had all the guys from LEGO Racers 1
You ever had thoughts like these
(and then... internet meme stuff? Well, we could plaster them on our own clothes
(Also, I talked about this with someone before, they argued that supply and demand are the primary thing preventing a breakthrough)